Saturday, July 26, 2008

Why Conservatives Fear Obama: Like Reagan, He Gives Good "Head"

Recently I’ve made comments about the increasing trivialization of politics. My examples were the Nation magazine’s sex column and TMZ, a syndicated celebrity show, which had mused about coming to Washington to chase around the nation’s political class, which pretty much means getting into politicians’ sex life.

Well, an epiphany occurred to me while listening to the Diane Rehm Show’s “Friday News Roundup” sextion, uh, section. (DRS Hour 1 Fri 07-25-2008)

One of the panel’s commentators, Tony Blankley, referred to the media "fellatus coverage" of Obama’s overseas jaunt. Fellatus is the polite Latinate form of the male specie's most favorite sex act after the old in-out, in-out. You know, head.

Well, maybe there is something to this sex and politics business. After all, the McCain campaign had released a video critical of the media called “Obama Love.”

Obama truly unnerves the GOP and the broader conservative movement. That Obama, often called the rock star of American politics, attracts large, adoring, worshipful crowds and has a formidable political apparatus has caused some on the right side of the political aisle to quiver.

This is truly an interesting stretch of logic, given how often Obama is cited as the most liberal member of the Senate. Yet one should not be too surprised about that given how Jonah Goldberg has uniquely cited the rise of, the instinct for fascism on the left.

Media Matters has often noted this comparison, how various conservative chatter-heads have invoked a comparison between Obama and Hitler, or how his crowds of admirers echo the Nazi rallies.

Blankley’s consciously contemptuous characterization of the media may have unconsciously disclosed something else.

What truly unnerves conservatives about Obama is that he, like the conservatives’ favor iconic politician, Ronald Reagan, gives good head. You listen and observe, and, to some degree, Obama either tells you what you want to hear, or you hear what you want to believe.

It’s a seduction; and, to borrow from Prince, morning, noon and night, he gives you head. The next day, you wake up and say, “Yes, I can.”

In others words, Obama is a master communicator, giving people food for thought, talking to them as if they were adults (the only people who are sanctioned to receive head).

To be blunt and crude: he gives them a good mental fuck, rather than fucking with their minds.

What he says, to varying degrees, makes sense to people. People listen to his words and hear something that they like about the man. He gives good head, good intellectual head, as well as food for the heart and soul.

Republicans, the conservatives, have always argued that ideas do matter, and the only way for ideas to be received is through one's head. Obama’s basic idea is that we ought to come together as a nation--regardless of race and ideology, sex and gender--to solve some basic American problems.

There hasn’t been a master communicator like this since Reagan (and Bill Clinton), and that’s what scares the Republicans. They know that any meaningful political realignment in American politics, such as FDR’s “New Deal” or the “Reagan revolution,” requires a masterful articulator who inspires and explains to people his agenda.

Obama is a man who gives hope as well as good head; good, intellectual, soulful head.

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