Thursday, September 4, 2008

Course Correction: Now It is Personality, Not Experience

Although McCain was a navy aviator you can tell he knows how to maneuver the war-torn USS Straight-Talker. Remember when Obama came back from his successful European and Mid-East jaunt? He dazzled the world and gave a brilliant speech, which McCain took issue with at the American Legion. He said that Obama’s speech was confident about himself but not about America.

Senator McCain, speaking before the Legion audience, took Senator Obama to task for his Berlin speech for it displaying “confidence in oneself” and but not “confidence in one’s country” regarding the Cold War.

What was Mr. Obama’s near treasonous utterance in the eyes of Mr. McCain?

“…there is no challenge too great for a world that stands as one.”

For the Arizonian, “The Cold War ended not because the world stood ‘as one,’ but because the great democracies came together, bound together by sustained and decisive American leadership.”

Yes, and the instruments by which the U.S. expressed its “decisive leadership” were the Marshall Plan and NATO, which Mr. Obama mentioned the latter three times in his speech.

“Look at Berlin, where the determination of a people met the generosity of the Marshall Plan and created a German miracle; where a victory over tyranny gave rise to NATO, the greatest alliance ever formed to defend our common security,” said Obama.

Then the presumptive GOP nominee took to task, once again, the presumptive Democratic nominee for mentioning the US “failure to lead” in the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Georgia.

If “…America somehow set a bad example that invited Russia to invade a small, peaceful, and democratic nation, then he should state it outright,” said Sen. McCain.

This critique by McCain is tied up with his general view he has of Obama: no experience. Hence, Obama’s greatest strength is that he is popular, meaning a mere celebrity like Britney Spears or Paris Hilton. In other words, Obama is a frivolous waif.

But something changed…something really changed. The USS Straight-Talker did a mid-course correction after lobbing numerous video artillery charges at the USS Change, chasing it around as a celebrity cruise ship. The charge was no longer about experience, especially about McCain’s; it’s now about personality. In other words, the USS Straight-Talker deployed the USS Palin.

What must have shaken the commander of the USS Straight-Talker was the sight of Obama giving his acceptance speech before 80,000 fired-up Democrats. Perhaps the sight of the waif taking command and putting on a masterful albeit scripted nomination convention and unifying the party’s faction really gave officers of the USS Straight-Talker something to think about.

They needed a game-changer, and Gov. Sarah Palin appears to be that for the base. Without stating her obvious conservative creds, she is basically someone who’s attractive, vivacious and can give “good speech.” She’s a “hockey mom,” a regular American.

Palin, articulate, attractive, poised, hitting Obama with sarcastic remarks à la Ann Coulter, is the perfect, sleek missile cruiser.

Just as traditional family values and abstinence education no longer means anything to the party’s base since Gov. Palin’s 17-year old daughter is great with child, experience doesn’t matter now. A good example of that criterion’s irrelevance evidenced by the exchange between a CNN reporter was unable to get a straight answer from the McCain campaign regarding Gov. Palin’s foreign policy experience.

This is about course correction. Now, the liberal media elite, McCain’s original “base” before the Christian conservative weighed in, is now the evil empire that dares to question an unknown politico for the office of the vice presidency. But by questioning the ship worthiness of the USS Palin, the media is essentially questioning the judgment of Commander John McCain.

It doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters now is the will to win, not putting the country first.

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