Monday, August 18, 2008

Asleep at the Wheel and the Real Liberal Media

If one carefully reads about and listens to the Bush administration regarding the Russian-Georgian conflagration, the administration’s response was typical: slow response to an obvious problem coming down the pike. For example: ignoring warnings regarding al Qaeda’s attack on the United States; the mismanagement of the war in Iraq; diverting attention from the war in Afghanistan to fight the war in Iraq; inadequate preparation and mobilizing for Hurricane Katrina; and missing the signals that Russia would pursue its interests in its historical sphere of influence.

Reading a recent New York Times article, shows quite clearly that the US thought it could manage the situation, but it sent multiple mixed signals to the Russians and the Georgians, which haphazardly led to Russia flexing its muscles in the Caucasus.

In his weekly radio broadcast , Mr. Bush said nothing about how the Georgians had behaved badly toward the residents of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Instead, one hears the traditional “emerging young democracy” boilerplate that this administration has spouts.

Likewise, if one saw Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s appearance on Meet the Press, with David Gregory, one would have heard her speak of how Russia’s reputation will pay a price for her invasion of Georgia. Well, this administration would know that since America’s reputation has headed south since the USA’s invasion of Iraq.

This is an administration that only sees diplomacy as an after-thought to a crisis rather than as means to preventing one.

Interestingly, Gregory then engaged in a bit of an international cheap shot when he showed a clip of the Saudi Arabian Olympic team in Beijing.

MR. GREGORY: Here's a picture of Saudi Arabia's flag bearer as it parades in front of the delegation for these games and you'll notice no women and that's because Saudi Arabia does not allow women to compete in their Olympic Games. As an element of the freedom agenda of this administration here in 2008, how do you react to that?

SEC'Y RICE: Well, look, I think Saudi women ought to be able to participate. I've said Saudi women ought to be able to vote and I think that when, when woman can vote and they're empowered, you're going to see them in the games, but I would also note that if women wish to participate in Afghanistan's team, they can. If women wish to participate in Iraq's team, they can. That in most of the Middle East now, women athletes are participating. Those are positive developments. But certainly, I look forward to the day that there's a Saudi woman athlete in that parade.

As if the US government has any control over the International Olympic Committee, which would be the proper organization to address this issue.

Perhaps Rice should have said: “I also look forward to the day when a black woman, or another person of color, male of female, is made the host of Meet the Press. Now, talk about an American freedom agenda.”

As a matter of fact, while watching the Olympics one can view MSNBC promoting it’s vanilla political talking heads: Keith Olbermann, Andrea Mitchell, Chris Matthews, and David Gregory.

Now, that’s the real liberal media…

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